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This site is intended for patients in the UK who have been prescribed Entresto® (sacubitril/valsartan). This website has been developed and funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd.

woman reading book

How does

YOURCHOICE ENGAGE provides you with regular updates and information about your sacubitril/valsartan treatment. Through relevant and timely emails, we offer valuable support empowering you with enough knowledge to take your treatment into your own hands and stay on top of your heart failure.

The importance of
treatment support

Understanding your sacubitril/valsartan treatment is a great first step towards ensuring you take your medication at the right times so it may have its full effect. YOURCHOICE ENGAGE aims to help you improve your knowledge by directing you to reliable and up to date treatment information, tips for staying on track with your treatment, sources of emotional support for those struggling as well as tips on how to manage any side effects you may experience. We can work together to enable you to stay one step ahead of your treatment.

Patient and Doctor

What do I receive when I sign up to YOURCHOICE ENGAGE?

Having access to different kinds of support while on sacubitril/valsartan is important. With YOURCHOICE ENGAGE, you can:

Book Icon

Learn more about your treatment with sacubitril/valsartan

Heart Icon

Familiarise yourself with heart failure including medical terms

Side Effects Icon

Understand how to manage possible side effects

Information Icon

Receive reliable, up-to-date information relevant to your heart failure and treatment

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Read and hear stories from other patients

Tip Icon

Receive tips to help you stay on track with your treatment


Find information and sources of emotional and well-being support


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now and sign up

We want to empower you to take your treatment into your own hands with regular updates to improve your knowledge and confidence.

Visit the YOURCHOICE ENGAGE website and register today.

UK | June 2023 | 256798